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Tax relief for all Michiganders

Over the past year, legislative Republicans have worked hard to provide vital tax relief for all Michigan workers, families, and seniors. Last session, the legislature passed a major tax-cut plan with bipartisan support. We were faced with a historic budget surplus and the opportunity to provide immediate, meaningful tax relief for all Michiganders. Unfortunately, this plan was vetoed by the governor.

There is some good news, however. Several years ago, Republicans worked to pass Public Act 180 of 2015 which allowed for yearly reductions to the individual income tax rate based on state revenue. Thanks to responsible budget management by Republican leadership over the past few years, the most recent economic forecast for the state is expected to trigger a permanent reduction to the individual income tax rate as provided for under this law. That said, there remains an unprecedented surplus in the state budget and we can still provide relief as folks across the state continue to struggle due to historic inflation.

While some limited tax reforms have recently been introduced by Democrats, these would only reduce taxes for a select few and would leave many Michiganders without the vital, immediate relief they deserve. Rather than picking and choosing who gets a break on their taxes, we should be working to lower taxes for all Michiganders. I stand ready to work with our legislative partners on both sides of the aisle to provide immediate relief now and return taxpayer dollars to all the families, seniors, and individuals who worked hard for their income. I firmly believe that you and your fellow citizens spend your money far more effectively than the government.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the legislature or state government, please do not hesitate to contact my office by going to You may also reach out toll-free by calling (855) 347-8020. My staff would be happy to assist with issues you may be having with state government agencies, and I look forward to listening and learning about your priorities and concerns for our state.


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